home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- program index;
- var
- in_char : char; { character returned by readakey function }
- place : byte; { pointer to current "position" of select screen }
- col: byte; { column on screen for display purposes }
- count : byte; { temporary counter variable }
- Filename : string[12]; { name of file to be deleted }
- num : integer; { loop limit variable }
- heaptop : ^integer; { marker to start of free heapspace }
- print_flag : boolean; { true if printer attached }
- type
- filepointer = ^heapinfo; { establish 'filepointer' as pointer type }
- result = record
- ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags : integer;
- end;
- heapinfo = record { format of heap records }
- name : string[12]; { filename w/ extension }
- description : string[80]; { descriptive string }
- next : filepointer; { 'next' ptr in 2x link list }
- last : filepointer; { 'last' ptr in 2x link list }
- end;
- fileinfo = record { format of disk file records }
- name : string[12]; { filename w/ extension }
- description : string[80]; { descriptive string }
- end;
- var
- first,current,last, tptra : filepointer; { 2x link list pointers }
- filerec : fileinfo; { filerec is current record from disk }
- file1 : file of fileinfo;
- intr_rec : result;
- label exit;
- const
- alpha : byte = 2;
- background : byte = 1;
- testline:array [1..42] of byte =
- ($c9,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$bb,
- $c8,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$cd,$bc);
- testline2:array [1..21] of byte =
- ($40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40);
- vertlineleft:array [1..8] of byte =
- ($c9,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$c8);
- vertlineleftback:array [1..8] of byte =
- ($40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40);
- vertlineright:array [1..8] of byte =
- ($bb,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$ba,$bc);
- vertlinerightback :array [1..8] of byte =
- ($40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40);
- firstletter:array[1..6] of byte =
- ($0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f);
- cursorlineaccent : array[1..12] of byte =
- ($5f,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50);
- cursorlinenormal:array[1..12] of byte =
- ($0f,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07);
- {*******************************************************************}
- function cursordown(pos,modval:byte) : byte;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this routine will return the updated value of the pointer 'pos'
- for doing a cursor down movement.
- 'pos' = current pointer position (0 <= pos < modval)
- 'modval' = upper limit (ie count of items in list)
- example: if you have 5 items in the list, this function will return
- a number between 0 & modval-1. (0 & 4) }
- begin
- cursordown := (pos + 1) mod modval;
- end; { end of cursordown }
- {*******************************************************************}
- function cursorup(pos,mod_val:byte) : byte;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this routine will return the updated value of the pointer 'pos'
- for doing a cursor up movement.
- 'pos' = current pointer position (0 <= pos < modval)
- 'modval' = upper limit (ie count of items in list)
- example: if you have 5 items in the list, this function will return
- a number between 0 & modval-1. ( 0 & 4 ) }
- begin
- cursorup := (pos + mod_val - 1) mod mod_val;
- end; {end of cursorup }
- {*******************************************************************}
- function readakey : char;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this function returns the value of a keystroke. If an extended keystroke
- is used ( like a cursorkey), that keystroke is detected, and modified
- as per below. This will assign normal codes to the cursor movements,
- not the ones assigned by turbo pascal. }
- var
- in_key : char;
- begin
- read(kbd,in_key); { wait for a keystroke }
- if keypressed then { if an extended key, read keystroke }
- begin
- read(kbd,in_key); { then the extended keystroke }
- case in_key of
- 'H' : in_key := ^K; { vert tab (cursor up)}
- 'M' : in_key := ^I; { cursor right (tab) }
- 'P' : in_key := ^J; { line feed (cursor down)}
- 'K' : in_key := ^S; { backspace (cursor left)}
- 'S' : in_key := ^P; { DLE }
- end; { end of case }
- end;
- readakey := in_key; { set value for return }
- end; { end of readakey }
- {******************************************************************}
- procedure quickprint(Row,Col,HowMany,start_pos:integer;code,option:byte);
- {******************************************************************}
- { option 1 = print horizontally
- option 2 = print vertically
- option 3 = highlight alpha or background
- Row = starting row position
- Col = starting screen column
- Howmany = number of bytes to be displayed or highlighted
- start_pos = either the offset of an array to be printed, or
- the attribute byte value to be set
- code = 2 for alpha bytes, 1 for backgrounds
- option = as described above }
- var
- Start: integer; { starting offset into graphics ram }
- count: integer; { loop counter }
- begin
- Start := ((Row-1)*160) + (Col*2) - code;
- for count := 0 to howmany-1 do
- begin
- if option = 3
- then mem[$b800:start] := start_pos
- else Mem[$b800:start] := mem[cseg:start_pos+count]; { set attribute byte }
- if option = 2 then start := start + 160
- else start := start + 2; { increment to next byte}
- end;
- end; { end of quickprint }
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure movecursor(var place,col:byte;row,num,width:byte);
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this proc will move a cursor between user define limits on the screen
- place = current cursor position ( between 0 and # items-1 )
- col = screen column where cursor starts
- row = screen row where current cursor is
- num = number of lines of cursor travel possible
- width = width of cursor ( # characters ) }
- begin
- repeat
- in_char := readakey; { get a character from keyboard }
- case in_char of
- ^K : begin { cursor up }
- quickprint(row+place,col,width,ofs(cursorlinenormal),background,1);
- place := cursorup(place,num); { calc new row }
- quickprint(row+place,col,width,ofs(cursorlineaccent),background,1);
- end;
- ^J : begin { cursor down }
- quickprint(row+place,col,width,ofs(cursorlinenormal),background,1);
- place := cursordown(place,num); { calc new row }
- quickprint(row+place,col,width,ofs(cursorlineaccent),background,1);
- end;
- end; {end case}
- until (in_char in [^M,^[,'R','r','W','w','D','d','I','i','Q','q','P','p','S','s','F','f']);
- end; {end movecursor}
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure putbox;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this procedure will put the 'box' on the screen for any given
- routine. no parameters are passed. }
- begin
- clrscr;
- quickprint(9,30,21,ofs(testline),alpha,1);
- quickprint(9,30,21,ofs(testline2),background,1);
- quickprint(16,30,21,ofs(testline)+21,alpha,1);
- quickprint(16,30,21,ofs(testline2),background,1);
- quickprint(9,30,8,ofs(vertlineleft),alpha,2);
- quickprint(9,30,8,ofs(vertlineleftback),background,2);
- quickprint(9,50,8,ofs(vertlineright),alpha,2);
- quickprint(9,50,8,ofs(vertlinerightback),background,2);
- end; { end putbox}
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure init;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this procedure initializes the disk file this program requires
- to be present. No parameters are passed. It checks for an existing
- file, and warns if the file will be destroyed }
- begin
- putbox;
- gotoxy(34,9);write(' INITIALIZE ');
- {$i-}
- reset(file1);
- {$i+}
- if ioresult <> 0 { file not in existance }
- then begin
- rewrite(file1); { create file }
- first := nil; { set pointers for empty lists }
- tptra := nil; { set pointers for empty lists }
- end
- else begin { file exists - may be overwritten }
- gotoxy(31,11);write('Index file exists.');
- gotoxy(31,12);write('Current index file');
- gotoxy(33,13);write('will be lost.');
- gotoxy(32,14);write('Continue (Y/N)? ');
- read(in_char); { read response }
- if upcase(in_char) = 'Y' { if 'y' then do }
- then begin
- erase(file1); { purge exist. file }
- rewrite(file1); { create empty file }
- first := nil; { set pointers for empty lists }
- tptra := nil; { set pointers for empty lists }
- end;
- end;
- end; { end of initialize }
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure showmenu;
- {********************************************************************}
- { this proc displays the main menu for the program }
- begin
- putbox; { draw box }
- gotoxy(32,9);write(' INDEX Main Menu ');
- gotoxy(35,10);write('Read files');
- gotoxy(35,11);write('Write file');
- gotoxy(35,12);write('Delete file');
- gotoxy(35,13);write('Initialize');
- gotoxy(35,14);write('Quit');
- gotoxy(35,15);write('Print');
- quickprint(10,35,6,ofs(firstletter),background,2); {highlight first letter }
- quickprint(10,35,12,ofs(cursorlineaccent),background,1); {display cursor }
- { display help line }
- gotoxy(10,25);textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write(chr($18),chr($19));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-move bar. Select by pressing a ');textcolor(white);
- write('highlighted ');textcolor(lightgray);
- write('letter or ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('<',chr($c4),chr($d9));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- end; { end of showmenu }
- {******************************************************************}
- procedure select;
- {******************************************************************}
- { this proc will allow the user to select any file from the list
- to either read its contents, or delete it from the list. If there are
- more files than space to show them, this function will allow
- the user to scroll through the complete list. }
- var
- row, col, place : byte;
- label exit;
- begin
- count := 0;row := 10; col := 35; place := 0; num := 6;
- window(col,row,col+12,row+6); { set window for filename display }
- gotoxy(1,1);
- if tptra = nil { check ptr to start of list }
- then begin { if = nil: list empty }
- writeln('No current');
- writeln(' files ');
- delay(5000);
- goto exit;
- end
- else repeat { if <> nil: list has entries }
- writeln(tptra^.name); { display filename }
- tptra := tptra^.next; { move to next in list }
- count := count + 1;
- until (count = num) or (tptra = nil); { continue until all displayed or window full }
- window(col,row,col+12,row+5); { reset window to 1 row smaller(takes care of last}
- { writeln command and it reposition of the cursor }
- tptra := first; { reset temp pointer }
- gotoxy(col,row);quickprint(row,col,12,$70,background,3);
- {*** loop from here until a file is selected *****}
- repeat
- in_char := readakey; { grab a input character }
- case in_char of
- ^K : begin { cursor up}
- if tptra^.last <> nil { if <> nil, we can travel back through list }
- then if place = 0 { if at top: need to scroll back }
- then begin
- tptra := tptra^.last; { go back one entry }
- gotoxy(1,1);
- { push (scroll) entries down and make room for one at top }
- insline;quickprint(row+place+1,col,12,$07,background,3);
- write(tptra^.name);
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$70,background,3);
- end
- else begin { not at top: we can move cursor up w/o scroll }
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$07,background,3);
- place := cursorup(place,num);
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$70,background,3);
- tptra := tptra^.last;
- end;
- end;
- ^J : begin { move down }
- if tptra^.next <> nil { if <> nil, we can still travel forward in list }
- then if place = num-1 { if =, we need to scroll screen up }
- then begin
- tptra := tptra^.next; { get next entry }
- gotoxy(1,1);delline; { scroll up and make room at bottom }
- quickprint(row+place-1,col,12,$07,background,3);
- gotoxy(1,num); { goto bottom of screen }
- write(tptra^.name); { display next filename }
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$70,background,3);
- end
- else begin { we can travel down (forward) w/o scroll }
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$07,background,3);
- place := cursordown(place,num);
- quickprint(row+place,col,12,$70,background,3);
- tptra := tptra^.next;
- end;
- end;
- end; { end case }
- until (in_char in [^M,^[,';']);
- exit:
- window(1,1,80,25); { reset window }
- end; { end of select}
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure readfiles;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this proc reads the current contents of the index file and
- sets up the double link list pointers. If the file 'INDEX.NDX'
- is not on the disk, an error message is printed out }
- var
- row, place, col : byte;
- begin
- {$i-}
- assign(file1,'INDEX.NDX');
- reset(file1);
- {$i+}
- if ioresult <> 0
- then begin { file doesnt exist }
- putbox;
- gotoxy(36,9);write(' ERROR ');
- gotoxy(32,11);write(' Program must be');
- gotoxy(32,12);write('initialized first');
- delay(5000);
- end
- else begin { file exists-set up double link lists }
- first := nil; { set initial pointers to nil }
- tptra := nil; { set initial pointers to nil }
- while not eof(file1) do
- begin
- read(file1,filerec); { read a record from file }
- new(current); { grab pointer from pool }
- current^.name := filerec.name; { set name }
- current^.description := filerec.description; {set description }
- current^.next := first; { set forward pointer }
- current^.last := nil; { set backward pointer }
- if first <> nil then first^.last := current; { special case}
- if first = nil then last := current; {set 'last' pointer for kicks}
- first := current; { update initial pointer }
- tptra := current; { update initial pointer }
- end;
- end;
- end; { end of readfiles }
- {*************************************************************}
- procedure writefiles;
- {*************************************************************}
- { this proc will add (insert) a file name/description into the
- current link-list of files }
- var dummy : char;
- label exit;
- begin
- putbox; { display box }
- gotoxy(36,9);write(' WRITE ');gotoxy(33,12);write('Enter filename:');
- gotoxy(35,25);
- textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('<',chr($c4),chr($d9));
- textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-exit');
- { read filename to be added-if null, exit from this proc }
- gotoxy(36,14);read(filerec.name);
- if length(filerec.name) = 0 then goto exit;
- {******* convert filename to all caps *****}
- for count := 1 to length(filerec.name) do
- filerec.name[count] := upcase(filerec.name[count]);
- {******** check for existing filename first *********}
- current := nil;
- while tptra <> nil do
- begin
- if tptra^.name = filerec.name then current := tptra;
- tptra := tptra^.next;
- end;
- { set a window for easy display }
- window(31,10,49,15);clrscr;writeln;
- if current = nil { file not currently in list }
- then begin
- writeln(' Enter description');
- write(' (80 chars max.):');
- window(1,1,80,25); { reset window }
- quickprint(22,1,80,$70,background,3); { highlight input line }
- gotoxy(1,22);read(filerec.description);{ read description }
- new(current); { grab new pointer from pool }
- current^.name := filerec.name; { set name }
- current^.description := filerec.description; { set description }
- current^.next := first; { set front pointer }
- current^.last := nil; { set back pointer }
- if first <> nil then first^.last := current; { special case pointer }
- if first = nil then last := current; { set 'last' ptr for kicks}
- first := current; { update initial pointer }
- tptra := current; { update initial pointer }
- end
- else begin { file already in index file }
- write('WARNING-description');
- writeln(' exists. This');
- writeln(' will overwrite.');
- write('Continue (y/n) ? ');
- read(dummy); { read response }
- clrscr;
- if upcase(dummy) = 'Y'
- then begin { update file entry }
- clrscr;writeln;
- writeln(' Enter description');
- write(' (80 chars max.):');
- window(1,1,80,25); { reset the window }
- quickprint(22,1,80,$70,background,3); { highlight input line }
- gotoxy(1,22);read(filerec.description); { read response }
- current^.name := filerec.name; { update name }
- current^.description := filerec.description; { update descr }
- tptra := first; { reset the temp pointer }
- end
- else window(1,1,80,25); { reset window to normal }
- end;
- exit:
- end; { end of writefiles }
- {***************************************************************}
- procedure closeupshop;
- {***************************************************************}
- { this proc will write the new file list out to the disk file. It
- is used when the user selects the 'Q' option. }
- begin
- rewrite(file1); { reset file pointer }
- while tptra <> nil do { write out until end of lists }
- begin
- filerec.name := tptra^.name;
- filerec.description := tptra^.description;
- write(file1,filerec);
- tptra := tptra^.next; { update pointer to next item }
- end;
- close(file1); { close the file }
- end; {end of closeupshop }
- {*************************************************************}
- procedure lookfile;
- {*************************************************************}
- { this proc will allow the user to select which file to
- view. It calls routine 'select' }
- label exit;
- begin
- putbox; { display box }
- gotoxy(36,9);write(' READ ');
- { display help line }
- gotoxy(7,25);textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write(chr($18),chr($19));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-move bar. Select by pressing function key ');textcolor(white);
- write('F1 ');textcolor(lightgray);
- write('or ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('<',chr($c4),chr($d9));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('. ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('Esc');textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-exit');
- select; { return with file to be viewed ( or ESC to quit }
- if in_char = ^[ then goto exit; { ESC ? go back to main menu }
- if tptra <> nil
- then begin
- gotoxy(1,22);
- clreol;write(tptra^.description); { write descrip. line }
- quickprint(22,1,80,$40,background,3); { highlight it }
- repeat
- until keypressed; { loop until key pressed }
- end;
- tptra := first; { reset temp pointer }
- exit:
- end; { end of lookfile }
- {*************************************************************}
- procedure deletefiles;
- {*************************************************************}
- { this proc will delete a given file from the link list. }
- var
- deleted : boolean;
- label exit;
- begin
- putbox; { display box }
- gotoxy(36,9);write(' DELETE ');
- { display help line }
- gotoxy(10,25);textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write(chr($18),chr($19));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-move bar. Select by pressing function key ');textcolor(white);
- write('F1 ');textcolor(lightgray);
- write('or ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('<',chr($c4),chr($d9));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('. ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('Esc');textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-exit');
- select; { return with file to be deleted or ESC to exit }
- if in_char = ^[ then goto exit; { ESC ? - exit }
- filename := tptra^.name; { set file for deletion }
- deleted := false; { set deleted flag to false }
- if first = nil { empty list ? }
- then writeln('nothing to delete')
- else { list not empty-is it first item ? }
- if first^.name = filename then
- begin
- first := first^.next;
- first^.last := nil;
- deleted := true;
- end
- else begin { not first item-search for filename }
- current := first^.next;
- { last := first; }
- while (current <> nil) and (deleted = false) do
- begin {traverse and delete }
- if current^.name = filename then { is current name the one ? }
- begin { yes }
- current^.last^.next := current^.next;
- if current^.next <> nil
- then current^.next^.last := current^.last;
- { last^.next := current^.next;} { reset pointer }
- { last := current^.next; } { reset pointer }
- { if last <> nil } { special case }
- { then last^.last := current^.last; }
- deleted := true; { set deleted flag to true }
- end
- else { move to next list name }
- begin
- { last := current;} { update ptr of last entry }
- current := current^.next; { update ptr to next entry }
- end;
- end;
- end;
- exit:
- tptra := first; { reset temp pointer }
- end; { end of delete }
- {*******************************************************************}
- procedure print;
- {*******************************************************************}
- { this proc will print the contents of the link list on either
- the printer, to the screen, or to a disk file }
- var namefile : string[12];
- file2 : text;
- label exit;
- begin
- putbox;
- gotoxy(37,9);write(' PRINT ');
- gotoxy(35,11);write('Screen');
- gotoxy(35,12);write('File');
- gotoxy(35,13);write('Printer');
- quickprint(10,35,6,ofs(firstletter),background,2);
- quickprint(11,35,12,ofs(cursorlineaccent),background,1);
- gotoxy(7,25);textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write(chr($18),chr($19));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-move bar. Select by pressing a ');textcolor(white);
- write('highlighted ');textcolor(lightgray);
- write('letter or ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('<',chr($c4),chr($d9));textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('. ');textcolor(black);textbackground(lightgray);
- write('Esc');textcolor(lightgray);textbackground(black);
- write('-exit');
- place := 0;movecursor(place,col,11,3,12);
- if in_char = ^[ then goto exit;
- case in_char of
- 'S','s' : place := 0;
- 'F','f' : place := 1;
- 'P','p' : place := 2;
- end; { end case }
- if place = 0 then clrscr;
- if place = 1
- then begin
- window(31,10,49,15);clrscr;writeln;
- writeln(' Enter filename: ');
- read(namefile);
- if length(namefile) = 0 then goto exit;
- assign(file2,namefile);
- rewrite(file2);
- end;
- while tptra <> nil do
- begin
- filerec.name := tptra^.name;
- filerec.description := tptra^.description;
- case place of
- 0 : begin
- writeln(filerec.name);
- writeln(filerec.description);writeln;
- delay(500);
- end;
- 1 : writeln(file2,filerec.name:12,' ',filerec.description);
- 2 : begin
- if print_flag = true
- then writeln(lst,filerec.name:12,' ',filerec.description)
- else begin
- clrscr;gotoxy(10,10);write('Printer error');delay(1000);
- end;
- end;
- end; { end case }
- tptra := tptra^.next;
- end;
- if place = 1 then close(file2);
- tptra := first;
- exit:
- window(1,1,80,25);
- end; { end of print }
- {**************************************************************}
- {* main driver starts here .... *}
- {**************************************************************}
- begin
- textmode(bw80);lowvideo;
- {******** set no visible cursor ********}
- intr_rec.ax := $0100;
- intr_rec.cx := $0f0f;
- intr($10,intr_rec);
- {********** printer test ************}
- print_flag := false;
- place := port[$0379];
- if place = $df then print_flag := true;
- place := port[$03bd];
- if place = $df then print_flag := true;
- readfiles;
- repeat
- clrscr;
- showmenu;
- place := 0;col := 35;
- { no parms given so get cursor movement results }
- movecursor(place,col,10,6,12);
- { if in_char = ^M, then place has cursor position }
- { else jump based on in_char value }
- case in_char of { case #2 }
- 'R','r' : place := 0;
- 'W','w' : place := 1;
- 'D','d' : place := 2;
- 'I','i' : place := 3;
- 'Q','q' : place := 4;
- 'P','p' : place := 5;
- end; { end case #2 }
- case place of { case #1 }
- 0 : begin { read }
- lookfile;
- end;
- 1 : begin { write }
- writefiles;
- end;
- 2 : begin { delete }
- deletefiles;
- end;
- 3 : begin { init }
- init
- end;
- 4 : begin { quit }
- goto exit
- end;
- 5 : begin { print }
- print;
- end;
- end; { end case #1 }
- until true = false;
- exit:
- closeupshop;
- release(heaptop);
- lowvideo;
- end.